Insurance Qualifications
(FAIS Credits)
FETC Retail Insurance Qualification (49835)
The Further Education and Training Qualification in Retail Insurance is designed for learners who earn commission from selling insurance or financial services products but do not necessarily work in the insurance sector. Learners may be employed in various positions in retail outlets across several industries, such as Finance and Insurance agents in a motor dealership. The qualification covers Long Term and Short-Term Insurance aspects. The knowledge and skills gained from the qualification will make learners more informed, efficient, and cost-effective workers who meet the FAIS Fit and Proper qualification requirements.
FETC Short-term Insurance Qualification (49929)
The Further Education and Training Qualification in Short-Term Insurance is a generic qualification that offers specialization in Short-Term Personal Lines and Commercial Lines. It aims to equip learners with the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to operate effectively in the Short-Term Insurance Industry, providing a framework to develop competencies that will give insight into the sub-sector. The qualification will make learners who sell insurance policies in the Short-Term Insurance Sector more efficient, informed, and cost-effective workers who fulfil the FAIS Fit and Proper “Qualification” requirements.
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